Upcoming Events

Winter Bible Study

Join us for Winter Bible Study with Dr. Bobby Kelly. We will be studying through the book of Joshua. Join us at 6:00pm for a light dinner and we'll start the Bible study at 6:30pm. On Wednesday January 8th, dinner will start at 5:00pm and will cost $7 per person and the study will go from 6:00pm - 7:30pm.

Crockpot Cook-off and Trivia Night

Join us for small group fellowship time! Bring your favorite crockpot dish and your thinking cap. The event begins at 5:00pm in the worship center.

Big Weekend - Kingdom Citizens

Big weekend is a discipleship retreat taking place January 18th and 19th. This event is for 7th - 12th graders. If you are interested in volunteering you can click here, otherwise feel free to register your child below!